AOD 9604

  • Specifications
  • AOD 9604 Dosage
  • How To Properly Inject AOD 9604?
  • AOD 9604 Side Effects

Specification: AOD 9604 2mg

Application: Lipolysis

CAS: 221231-10-3

Physical profile: Lyophilized powder

Storage: Refrigeration is necessary after reconstituting. Keep in a sealed and dark container.


AOD9604 2mg is a modified form of human growth hormone (HGH) that has been designed to stimulate the breakdown of stored fat and increase energy expenditure. In vitro studies have investigated the effects of AOD9604 on fat cells as well as its potential as a therapy for metabolic disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

AOD 9604 is a modified form Growth Hormone which is a 191 amino acid peptide. The last 15 amino acids (176-191) of the Growth Hormone polypeptide have been reproduced as a specific peptide and is called GH Frag 176-191 or AOD 9604.

Other recent findings have shown, in addition to its fat loss properties, AOD 9604 processes many other regenerative properties associated with growth hormone. Currently, trials are underway to show the application of AOD 9604 in osteoarthritis, hypercholesterolemia, bone and cartilage repair.


AOD 9604 injections should be administered subcutaneously. Similarly, to HGH injections, this allows the peptide to enter the bloodstream quickly and will deliver immediate results to users. The best time to use the injection is in the morning, on an empty stomach. Although there is no stipulated dosage, individuals will administer approximately 300 mcg/day, to achieve the greatest results.


It is best to understand how AOD 9604 interacts with other drugs, supplements, and injections you're using, to ensure the greatest results are achieved. Additionally, dosage may vary given other supplements you're taking, so it is best to discuss use with a healthcare professional prior to starting a dosage cycle. Doing so will guarantee the safest results, and the greatest benefits when starting an AOD 9604 dosage cycle.

There's no secret to injecting the AOD 9604 injection. It is similar to other injection vials. You'll place the needle into the AOD 9604 vial, and using the syringe fill it up to the desired dosage level. This will be administered subcutaneously. This allows the fastest absorption rates, and also ensures the greatest levels are taken into the bloodstream by the body.


Some areas to consider injecting are at the stomach area, where there is a higher level of fat concentration. For individuals who are sensitive to needles, this might also help minimize the pain levels you are going to experience when injecting the needle. It is easy to find the right point of injection and ensures fast absorption rates are achieved when injecting the supplement.

Like all supplements and injections, prior to starting a dosage cycle of AOD 9604 individuals should familiarize themselves with the potential risks and adverse interactions, especially if they are taking other drugs or supplements. Although it isn't as potent as HGH, there are certain side effects and possible risks that individuals should understand are possible, if they choose to use this injection.

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