Testosterone Cypionate Homebrew Recipes

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Testosterone Cypionate Homebrew Recipes

September 11, 2024

Equipment and Supplies

  • Testosterone Cypionate powder
  • Benzyl Alcohol(BA)
  • Benzyl Benzoate(BB)
  • Carrier oil (e.g.,Grapeseed oil, Cottonseed oil)
  • Sterile vials
  • Sterile syringes and needlesm
  • Sterile syringe filters
  • Beakers
  • Digital scale (accurate to 0.01g)-
  • Glass stirring rod or magnetic stirrer
  • Alcohol pads
  •  Heating plate or water bath

Ingredients and Ratios

  • Testosterone cypionate powder: 10 grams
  • Benzyl Alcohol(BA): 2ml (2%)
  • Benzyl Benzoate (BB): 20ml (20%)
  • Carrier oil: 78ml (78%)


1. Weigh the Testosterone Cypionate Powder:

  • Accurately weigh out 10 grams of Testosterone Cypionate powder using a digital scale.

2. Prepare the Solution:

  • In a beaker, add 2ml of Benzyl Alcohol (BA)and 20ml of Benzyl Benzoate(BB).
  • Add the 10 grams of Testosterone Cypionate powder to the beaker.
  • Stir the mixture untl the powder is fulydissolved. You may use a glass stiring rod or a magnetic strrer for this step.Applying gentle heat can help thepowder dissolve more quickly, but avoid overheating.

3. Add the Carrier Oil:

  • Slowly add 78ml of your chosen carrier oil to the mixture.Continue stirring until the solution is homogeneous.

4. Filter the Solution:

  • Draw the solution into a large sterile syringe fitted with a sterile needle.
  • Attach a sterile syringe fiter to the syringe.Using a new sterile vial, flter the solution to remove any particulates and ensure sterility.
  • This step is crucial to prevent infections and ensure the solution is safe for injection.

5. Sterilize the Vial:

  • Wipe the outside of the new sterile vial with an alcohol pad. Transfer the filtered solution into the sterile vial.

6. Seal and Store:

  • Cap the vial with a sterile cap.
  • Store the vial in a cool, dark place to maintain the stability of the solution.

Tips for success

1. Sterility: Maintain a sterile environment throughout the process to prevent contamination. Use sterile equipment and avoid touching any part of the equipment that will come into contact with the solution.

2. Precision: Accurate measurement of ingredients is crucial. Use a digital scale for precise weighing of the powder.

3. Heat contro: When applying heat to dissove the powder, do so gently. Excessive heat can degrade the testosterone cypionate.

4. Safety: Wear gloves and protective gear. Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes from the solvents.

Homebrewing testosterone cypionate requires careful attention to detail, precision, and adherence to strictstrilization protocols. By following the stepsoutlined above, you can create a high-quality product.

The blog contains four homebrew recipes for testosterone cypionate powder. The recipes vange from 80mg to 250mg/ml, providing a comprehensive guide for making them.

250ml Testosterone Cypionate 80mg/ml Cook Recipe

20 grams Testosterone Cypionate Powder
5 ml Benzyl Alcohol
45 ml Benzyl Benzoate
185 ml Grapeseed Oil

250ml Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml Recipe

50 grams Testosterone Cyp Powder
5 ml Benzyl Alcohol
45 ml Benzyl Benzoate
162.5 ml Grapeseed Oil

250ml Test Cypionate 250mg/ml Conversion Recipe for No BB

62.5 grams Test Cyp Powder
12.5ml Benzyl Alcohol
190.625 ml sesame oil

100ml Test cyp 250mg/ml Homemade Recipe

25 grams Test Cypionate Powder
2 ml Benzyl Alcohol
18 ml Benzyl Benzoate
61.25 ml Grapeseed Oil

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