Mestanolone (DHT)

  • Specifications
  • DHT Function
  • DHT Dosage

Mestanolone is the 17α-methylated version of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is an orally bio-available androgenic steroid that is highly androgenic while only slightly anabolic. It is incapable of aromatization and it is not an agonist of the progesterone receptor.Mestanolone is used for male hypogonadism and decreased sperm infertility.It has a high androgenic effect and women are warned against using it because of that. It has such a strong androgenic power that it makes marked changes psychologically as much as it does physically.

Since Mestanolone is unable to convert to estrogen, it is very useful during cutting phases or when one wishes to avoid excess weight gain. It has always been the frequent steroid choice for cutting and leaning before competitions.It is perfect for reducing water weight gain, hardens muscles and leans out the muscle tissue throughout the body. It is the perfect toner and enhancer for any bodybuilder or serious weightlifter. It can be stacked with other products for the perfect cutting cycle pre-competition. It makes it that much easier to bulk up, maintain muscle mass and reduce unneeded weight.


There are 5 fuctions as below:

  1. Increase testosterone benefit
  2. Suppress estrogen effect
  3. Lean muscle tissue
  4. Increase strength
  5. Improve drive and focus


Dosages range from 10 mg to 30 mg a day for males for 6-8 weeks, which is often enough to keep blood serum levels well above baseline with this particular drug. More specifically, Ermalones strength and muscle gains are largely on par with those of the DHT-derived anabolic steroid Winstrol (Stanozolol). Its anabolic and androgenic effects are typically dose dependent and extremely supportive of testosterone-based cycles.

Experienced steroid users have been known to run more aggressive dosages of 30 mg/day of methyldihydrotestosterone. Long term use, more than 12 weeks should be avoided do to hepatoxicity.

The best results with Mestanolone are achieved when you:

  • Use 20 to 30mg Mestanolone daily
  • Add a high muscle mass building anabolic in moderate amount
  • Increase protein
  • Infuse increased diet with high vitamin foods

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    1.Minimum order quantity: 5~10grams;5vials
    2.Lead time: Within 12 to 36 hours after payment.
    3.Delivery time: 5 to 15 working days door to door
    4.Payment method: PayPal,Bitcoin, USDT, etc.
    5.Shipping method: The safest and fastest available.
    6.Tracking number: Available after payment 12~36hours

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