What Are Androgens And Androgenic Steroids

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What Are Androgens And Androgenic Steroids

September 11, 2024

What Are Androgens And Androgenic Steroids?

Androgens are a type of hormone that have a direct impact on sexual organ development, metabolic rate, and mood stability, to name a few things. The most famous is testosterone.

While androgens are typically associated with male characteristics such as bigger muscles and a deeper voice, both men and women produce and require androgens for healthy development. The only difference is that men produce more androgens, which promotes more masculine features.

Androgenic steroids are a synthetic version of androgens such as testosterone that trigger many of the same functions as the actual hormone, most notably muscle growth, which is why anabolic androgenic steroids are so popular amongst bodybuilders.

Androgenic Vs. Anabolic: Is There A Difference?

Let’s clear up some confusion about androgenic vs. anabolic steroids. These are not two different types of steroid. They are the same thing, but the difference in the names comes from the physical traits they promote.

Androgenic: This refers to physical characteristics that pertain to growth during puberty. When an extremely androgenic hormone like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is released in large amounts during puberty, it triggers deepening of the voice, facial hair growth, and muscle mass development.

A boost in androgenic effects from a steroid leads to a number of side effects including heart issues and testosterone dependency. For women, this can mean the development of masculine features such as facial hair and a deeper voice.

Anabolic: On the other hand, anabolic refers strictly to its impact on lean muscle tissue. Steroids have the anabolic effect on muscle mass of promoting growth in size and shape.

The goal of most steroid users is to find one that promotes anabolic benefits without the androgenic side effects.

How People Use Androgenic Steroids

Androgenic or anabolic steroids can be taken as an oral-based capsule or tablet, skin implant, cream, gel, or injection. The two most common ways to use steroids would be a tablet or injection.

All steroids are recommended to be taken as a cycle, unless otherwise noted by a doctor. A standard anabolic steroid cycle – the on-cycle – lasts for as little as four weeks and can last as long as 12 weeks. Typically, more experienced steroid users will extend their cycle.

This is followed by an off-cycle where the user stops taking the steroid. This can last for as little as four weeks and as long as a few months before the next on-cycle begins. In an attempt to minimize the androgenic steroids side effects, the user will immediately use what is known as a post-cycle therapy supplement.

Steroids can also be stacked, which is when you combine two or more different yet complementary steroids together. This is done to minimize the estrogenic side effects while maximizing the beneficial effects of all compounds. While it may be effective during a cycle, the more steroids you use, the greater the risk for severe side effects.

One method of using steroids, which has been anecdotally reported to help the body adjust to the steroid dosage while avoiding the worst of the side effects is called pyramiding. This is when you start with a low dosage of the steroid and gradually increase the dosage day by day. Once you reach the midpoint of your cycle, you peak the dosage, then slowly decrease it until you reach your off-cycle.

Different Types Of Steroids

Did you know that there are almost three dozen anabolic steroids that are available for purchase? According to a study published in Andrology, designer steroids have not been legally cleared for medicinal or recreational use, but they are still available through means of the black market.

As we mentioned above, there are four ways that steroids are commonly used, but the two most popular ways are through oral medication and injections. Let’s review how to use a steroid along with some examples of androgenic steroids:

Oral Steroids: This type of steroid usually comes in the form of a tablet or capsule. The user has to take the oral steroid at least twice a day, depending on the dosage. Popular examples of oral-based steroids include Winstrol, Anadrol, and Anavar.

Injectable Steroids: The steroid is injected into the body through a hypodermic needle. Unlike oral medication, injections are only needed a few times per week. But this will vary depending on the steroid and the dosage. Deca Durabolin, Depotest, and Finajet are popular examples of injectable hormones.

Popular Androgenic Anabolic Steroids

While there are almost a few dozen anabolic steroids available on the black market, there are 10 that are commonly cited as the most reliable for muscle growth and sports performance:

  • Dianabol
  • Anavar
  • Sustanon
  • Clenbuterol
  • Winstrol
  • Trenbolone
  • Deca Durabolin
  • Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
  • Depotest
  • Anadrol

Side Effects And Risks Of Androgenic Anabolic Steroids

If you use steroids, there’s no way around the side effects. The only difference is the severity. Whether legally prescribed or illegally used, here are the most common side effects that don’t seem to impact your health long term or require serious prescription medication:

  • Bloating (looking puffy)
  • Skin issues (primarily an increase in acne)
  • Hair loss
  • Changes in your libido (could increase then decrease)

Here’s the next level of severity that could require medical intervention in the form of prescription medication:

  • Gynecomastia (male breasts)
  • Difficulty when urinating
  • Changes in cholesterol levels
  • Low sperm count

Finally, whether through steroid abuse or misuse, here are severe side effects that you can expect when using anabolic steroids:

  • Cardiovascular issues such as rapid heart rate or myocardial infarction
  • Live damage that may result in tumors
  • Bone loss and cartilage breakdown
  • Low testosterone levels
  • Severe mood swings (rage to depression)

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